Showing 26 - 50 of 119 Results
Historical and Political View of the Constitution and Revolutions of Geneva, in the Eighteen... by Ivernois, Francis D', John ... ISBN: 9781179784571 List Price: $34.75
State of the Finances and Resources of the French Republic, to the 1st of January 1796. Bein... by Ivernois, Francis D' ISBN: 9781151823687 List Price: $20.00
Historical and Political Survey of the Losses Sustained by the French Nation: In Population,... by Ivernois, Francis D' ISBN: 9781146302722 List Price: $38.75
State of the Finances and Resources of the French Republic; To the 1st of January 1796. Bein... by Ivernois, Sir Francis D' ISBN: 9781459081604 List Price: $20.00
A Cursory View of the Assignats and Remaining Resources of French Finance, (September 6, 179... by Ivernois, Francis D' ISBN: 9781141634347 List Price: $18.75
Tableau Historique Et Politique Des Pertes Que Le Rvolution Et La Guerre Ont Causes Au Peupl... by Ivernois, Francis D' ISBN: 9781143491450 List Price: $45.75
Napolon, Administrateur Et Financier ... (French Edition) by Ivernois, Francis D' ISBN: 9781143028809 List Price: $32.75
Tableau Historique Et Politique Des Deux Dernieres Rvolutions De Genve: Par . ... (French Ed... by Ivernois, Francis D' ISBN: 9781144427397 List Price: $32.75
Historical and Political Survey of the Losses Sustained by the French Nation : In Population... by Ivernois, Sir Francis D' ISBN: 9780371332412 List Price: $16.95
Des Causes Qui Ont Amen� l'usurpation du G�n�ral Bonaparte, et Qui Pr&#... by Ivernois, Francis D' ISBN: 9780461380880 List Price: $13.95
Des Révolutions de France et de Genève Par M D'Ivernois by Ivernois, Francis D' ISBN: 9781170657393 List Price: $39.75
D'Ivernois on the Downfal [Sic] of Switzerland by Ivernois, Francis D' ISBN: 9781170827840 List Price: $15.75
Des Revolutions de France et de Genève by Ivernois, Francis D' ISBN: 9781171925743 List Price: $39.75
Tableau Historique et Politique des Revolutions de Geneve by Ivernois, Francis D' ISBN: 9781165937660 List Price: $29.56
Tableau Historique et Politique des Deux Dernieres Révolutions de Genève by Ivernois, Francis D&apos, I... ISBN: 9781147726206 List Price: $30.75
Des Causes Qui Ont Amené L'Usurpation du Général Bonaparte, et Qui Préparent Sa Chute by Ivernois, Francis D' ISBN: 9781148685465 List Price: $29.75
Tableau Historique et Politique des R�volutions de Gen�ve Dans le Dix-Huiti�me Si�cle by Sir Francis D' Ivernois ISBN: 9781276674027 List Price: $35.75
Tableau Historique et Politique des R�volutions de Gen�ve Dans le Dix-Huiti�me Si�cle by Sir Francis D' Ivernois ISBN: 9781277351958 List Price: $28.75
Des Causes, Qui Ont Amen� l'Usurpation du G�n�ral Bonaparte et Qui Pr�parent Sa Chute by Ivernois, Francis D' ISBN: 9781277384154 List Price: $30.75
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